Eau Claire Station is a placeholder name that we are using to reference the LRT station that will be located at the Eau Claire Market site.
B&A has submitted planning applications for the Eau Claire Market lands on behalf of The City of Calgary and Eau Claire Market Inc. to accommodate the future Eau Claire Station.
The applications are recommended for approval by administration, and we anticipate a public hearing on May 16, 2023.

About The Project
Next steps
The Land Use Application and Area Redevelopment Plan Amendment applications are proceeding to Calgary Planning Commission. We anticipate a public hearing on May 16, 2023.
We appreciate the feedback we have received throughout the process. Continue to check the website for updated information.

Project Resources
Contact Us
Please reach out to our Engagement Specialist if you have any questions or comments regarding the land use applications:
Martha McClary Engagement Specialist B&A | mmcclary@bastudios.ca
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